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Anticeptron is an attempt to do what people expect from every captcha: a strong system with the ability to prevent bots from doing unauthorized access.

It is still in alpha/planning stage even if some working code may be available.

This project is free software under the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version.


The version 0.01 (alpha) has been released. This release contains source code only now. You can access it from the anticeptron download page on

Source code (development version):

Anticeptron is written in C programming language.

You can access the latest source code available via our subversion repository at: using your subversion client.

If you haven't a subversion client, you can browse the repository via the web at:

Getting involved:

The anticeptron project is looking for contributors.

Quick preview...

The following picture was generated with anticeptron (subversion revision number: 26).
As I wrote for the previous preview, there is still a lot of things to do...
At least, it should take less time for your browser to load than the preview of the revision 17...
Image generated with anticeptron revision 21...

(The text was "2pmrZxrmAmUz"...)

Bellow is the preview of the revision 17.
Of course, a lot of things should be improved (useless background, picture too big, not enough different ways to display letters, only one font used, bad use of the space horizontally, no overlapping characters, etc...)

Preview picture (revision 17). The image may be slow to download...

(The text was "4b11ZOCv9qK2"...) : the anticeptron website
Copyright (C) 2007 David Dallet
Contact: ddmdllt at gmail dot com Logo Thanks to for hosting this site.